Q & A: Sugar Glider Information

Sugar Glider DietQ #1: What should I give them for breakfast? Meat or fruit…

A #1: A proper diet should be 50% protein, 25% fruits, and 25% vegetables. There are many acceptable diets that you can follow, but it should adhere to that breakdown.

Q #2: What do I need to buy them as in toys, and what type? Bird or hamster? Or maybe anything specific you recommend I should buy?

A #2: Any toys that are safe for a toddler would be safe for sugar gliders. You can get bird or hamster toys, or even toys made for toddlers. Just stay away from cat toys because catnip is toxic to gliders. You should definitely get an exercise wheel that is safe for gliders (no center bar because their tails can get injured). The stealth wheel is a popular one.

Q #3: What age should I buy the sugar glider…baby or adult?

A #3: It may be easier to bond with younger gliders, but there are also many lovable adult gliders that are in need of homes. I highly recommend adopting a glider from a rescue organization if you can. If not, make sure to go through a reputable breeder.

Q #4: Do they bite? Does it hurt?

A #4: Sugar gliders can bite, and it does not feel good! It can puncture your skin if they bite hard enough.

Q #5: How many times should I feed them in a day?

A #5: You only need to put food out for them one time at night when they wake up. Make sure to remove any leftovers in the morning. You can also give them little treats throughout the day if they wake up.

Q #6: How do I handle their poo and urine?

A #6: Sugar gliders cannot be potty trained, so you will have to clean up after them. You will need to change out the removable tray in their cage pretty regularly. They can also have accidents when they are out playing, so you will just have to look out for any accidents to clean up.

Q #7: Can they actually fly?

A #7: Sugar gliders do not actually fly, but they glide. The patagium is the gliding membrane that attaches from the fifth finger to the first toe. This stretches out when they jump so they can glide through the air. In the wild, they can glide up to 150 feet from tree top to tree top as they search of food.

Q #8: Do sugar gliders get along with cats?

A #8: Sugar gliders do not get along with cats. Cats will go after gliders because they are prey animals that move quickly and attract the predator instinct in cats. Gliders will not feel safe around cats and can become stressed easily.


  1. I was just wondering where you got the information that catnip is toxic because I have specifically asked my vet who specializes in sugar gliders and was told that it is not toxic to them and in fact will have little to no effect on them.

  2. I recently bought a male sugar glider that is around 4 yrs old. He was never really held often with his previous owner (unless they had an oven mitt on because they were afraid he’d bite) he keeps biting whenever I pick him up and will only come to me when I have gloves on inside the cage. (He won’t come out) how do I get him to stop biting and start bonding?

    • Also when should I introduce my dog to him? He’s about 2 so he still acts like a puppy and tries to play with my sugar glider by jumpin on him…should I let them bond on their own or get bonded with my sugar glider first then introduce the puppy?

      • I would never let the dog and sugar glider play together. Once your puppy gets bigger, it could really harm your sugar glider. Sugar gliders do not bond to household pets, and unfortunately a lot of sellers tell people this so they will get one. Bottom line is that sugar gliders are prey, and it’s not safe to let dogs or cats near them.

  3. melodysugars says:

    I dont know I they have predators….

  4. Teresa purcell says:

    I have a sweet pair. My males neutered. I’m curios as to whether I could mate my female with a different male then put her back with her original neutered male. He still mates with her although he’s neutered. Would he accept the babies as his own.

  5. I have a sweet pair male,was neutered as soon a I got them. I’m wondering if I can put my female with an unneutered male let them breed then put my female back with my neutered male. Neutered male still mates with female would he accept the joes as his

  6. Barbara Daniels says:

    My older female glider has become aggressive, attacking her cagemate (female also) over food and biting me. She has normally been quite affectionate since the two were rescued from a bad home.
    Also, do you recommend spaying female gliders?

  7. Barbara Daniels says:

    Another question…
    I’ve been feeding my two gliders dinner and a small breakfast snack. They leave just a bit in their bowls at each feeding. They seem a good weight and are very active.
    Is twice daily feeding too much? The only info I’ve been able to find refers to the type of diet, not frequency.

  8. Mariam hassan says:

    I have a 10 month female sugarglider names blossom. She doesn’t drink that much water and usually just sits in her pouch. I want to give her some orange juice but I’m not sure if that’s healthy for sugargliders. Can I give her some?

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