Sugar Glider Care

Sugar Glider CareThe decision to get a sugar glider as a pet is one that you should consider carefully.  Although they make wonderful pets, you should remember that they are exotic animals and have specific needs that are particular to their species.  Sugar glider care is not difficult, but they are not going to be the best pet for every person or household.

First, it is important to realize that getting any pet is a commitment, and you should be aware of the life expectancy of the animal as you weigh your ability to honor this commitment.  It is easy to get carried away by a cute little critter, but remember that you have to be in it for the long haul.  Sugar gliders have an approximate lifespan of 8-15 years when they are in captivity.  They do not live as long in the wild.

Once you decide to get a sugar glider, the basic things you need to learn about in order to care for it properly are what kind of housing and toys it will need, what kind of food it will need to stay healthy, and how to socialize and bond with your glider.

They do require a certain amount of attention because they can become lonely and depressed.  If you do not think you will have at least two hours a day to spend playing and bonding with your glider, you could get two gliders so they can keep each other company.

You should be aware that sugar gliders are not the kind of pets that you can leave in a cage all the time.  You must be able to take it out and let it run free and play in a glider-proofed room.

Sugar Glider Housing

You will need to get a cage that is no smaller than 36 inches high X 18 inches deep X 30 inches wide. You need a cage that has plenty of room for your glider to jump and climb around.  The bigger the cage is, the better, so get the biggest cage that you can afford and that you have room for.  It is better to go with a taller and narrower cage rather than a shorter and wider one because sugar gliders like to climb.

It is important that the cage be constructed of pvc or vinyl coated wire.  Gliders need to be able to climb, but bare wires can harm their delicate feet.  Additionally, pvc or vinyl coated wires are easier to clean, will not rust, and will be a lot quieter as your glider climbs around the cage.

You will also need to have a nesting box or a hanging pouch in the cage where your glider can sleep.  Other necessary things to have in the cage are non-toxic branches and perches, a hanging food dish and water bottle, various toys, and some non-toxic bedding for the bottom of the cage.

Sugar Glider Diet

There is a lot of information available about sugar glider nutrition and you will likely find different opinions.  Since sugar gliders are omnivores, they eat a wide variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, and proteins.  It is recommended that you feed your sugar glider 50% protein, 25% fruits, and 25% vegetables.

Sugar gliders eat insects in the wild, so they really enjoy eating live insects such as crickets and mealworms.  You can also get freeze-dried insects if you do not want to buy live ones.  Make sure the insects have not had any exposure to pesticides because this can be very harmful.

All foods you give your sugar glider should be as low in fat as possible because they do not handle fat well.  You should also add a calcium supplement to their diet to prevent hind-leg paralysis.  Sugar gliders can also lose interest in foods if you do not switch them up, so be sure to try out different choices and rotate them often.

There is a lot more information about sugar glider nutrition that will be covered in more detail on other pages.  The more you know about proper nutrition, the healthier your sugar glider will be and the longer it will live.

Sugar Glider Socialization and Bonding

Sugar gliders are very social, so you will need to spend a lot of time playing and bonding with them.  If you isolate a sugar glider, it will become depressed and could develop health problems and even die.  For this reason, you must be able to bond with your sugar glider or get two sugar gliders to keep each other company.

When you first get your sugar glider, they will have to take some time to get used to you and the new environment.  Bonding is a process that develops over time, and there are several things you can do to make it progress smoothly.

When your glider is sleeping in its pouch, you can carry the pouch on you to keep it close to you.  You can also leave a piece of your clothing with your scent on it in the cage because gliders bond by scent.

The more time you spend with your glider, the better the bonding process will be.  Spending two to three hours a day playing with your glider and letting it climb on you and around a glider-proofed room will help you develop a strong bond.


  1. Hi how should I bond with my sugar glider I have had for about 4 to 5months? Also can sugar gliders have pomegranate seeds? I have a 2 year old sugar glider and my sugar glider that isn’t even 1 years old is bigger than my 2 year old. What do you think? I think it’s because Pookie my young one was always in a big cage and Izzy my older one was always in a small cage. My last question is if I went to petsmart or something would I get my sugar gliders bird toys or like hamster toys? Please answer me back a week before christmas.

    • I have moved the answers to these questions to a blog post. Please click the link to read my responses about sugar glider bonding, diet, size, and toys.

    • Jessica says:

      I read that seeds are not good. They can cause bowel obstructions. I don’t know if that’s all seeds or just some seeds like strawberry seeds and apple seeds. I avoid seeds all together just to be totally safe.
      I use bird toys a lot. My gliders love the ladders and ropes and swings bird toys offer.

  2. I am considering adopting an adult glider. A friend has one and wishes to give it to me. Will it be more difficult for it to bond than a baby. What other problems might I consider???

    • I have moved the answer to a blog post. Please click the link to read my response about bonding with an adult sugar glider.

    • you will still be able to bond with him but it will be a bit harder than bonding with a baby.

    • Jessica says:

      Yes, it’s harder. I have two gliders that were older when I got them, and it takes a lot more time and patience. It’s like late potty training for dogs: if they didn’t learn early on, they get stuck in their ways. Use a bonding pouch and sort of bribe them with treats that they like. Mine love chicken, so I cook chicken and give them little pieces as a way to say, “I love you”. Also, rub your face and neck on a paper towel to pick up your scent and put it in one of the pouches where they spend their time. I found after I did that, mine were less “bitey” with me when I played with them.

  3. A friend of mine just gave me her sugar glider because she no longer had time for it. Now that I have him in my home, I am kind of scared to pick him up out of his cage because I’m afraid he will get away from me. What is the best way/time to pick them up out of their cages? I don’t want him to suffer from depression from not having enough bonding time, but I also don’t want to lose him. Is there anything you can suggest for my problem? Thank you for your help and time.

    • I have moved my answer to a blog post. Please click the link to read my response on how to pick up your sugar glider.

    • pull the cage into the bathroom then put your hands in the cage an try to get him out

    • Sheila Green says:

      Mine were 4 years old and unbonded when I got them. I hand fed them meal worms using a pair of forceps for about a week before I started getting them out. They have both a sleeping pouch and a coconut that they sleep in. I would unhook the pouch and gather up the top with my hand and transport them to the bathroom where I could close the door and not lose them while they ran around. Be sure to close the toilet if you turn them loose in the bathroom. Wear gloves for a while when you handle him and be patient.

  4. My sugar glider is acting funny. Like he is having seizures and he acts like he cant see. What could be wrong?

    • I could speculate on various health issues that could be going on with your sugar glider, but that is all it would be, speculation. The only way to know is to take your glider to a veterinarian, and I suggest you do this as soon as possible. You’ll need to find a vet that works with exotics. Usually, with more severe problems, clinics can work you in the same day you call.

      Vet appointments are not always cheap depending on the circumstances, but I strongly urge you to take your glider in anyways. Hopefully there is an easy and inexpensive way to treat your sugar glider’s condition, but you won’t know until you get a diagnosis. Good luck with your little one and keep me and all the readers updated if you can.

    • i dont know why it would be doind that but did you take it to the vet

  5. hi…my sugar glider is 1 year old how can i bond with her

  6. I’m going to be moving into an apartment for college in the summer and I can’t take my cats with me so I was considering buying a sugar glider to keep me company (I get super lonely without a pet around). Do you have any advice for me as far as picking out and caring for my first glider? Things to know for first time owners and stuff like that? I’ve read all of your posts as well as the comments other people have made and your answers to them, but I was hoping for some more since I’ve never had a pet like this before.

  7. Hi, i am thinking about getting a sugar glider but i have some questions. Do you need to get two gliders, because we went to a pet store and he said you need to get two, because apparently they could easily die of depression! Also, can you train them to stay on you, some say bonding is just having them with you is that true? Finally, does it matter what age you are? I’m a sixth grader, but my parents think that I might not be responsible, what is the recommended age for owning one? Thanks a ton, brit

    • I have posted my answers here: recommended age for owning a sugar glider.

    • Jessica says:

      You want to decide carefully on buying more than one. If you buy one, you need LOTS of time to play with it. They do get lonely and can stop eating and all the rest. Two takes care of some of the loneliness, but it’s expensive.

      Part of bonding is keeping your glider in a pouch that is actually on your body. Let them be in their pouch on your chest while you watch movies or resting. Take them with you during errands. Also, rub a paper towel (or a piece of a t-shirt) on your face and neck to pick up your scent and then put it in their pouches with them. They bond by scent, so knowing your scent is a crucial factor.

      You will need to be very responsible and do your research. Show your parents that you know what is required of you and show them you are prepared. Once you get one, make good on your promises–both to your parents and to your new little friend who needs your love and attention.

      Read as much as you can from trustworthy sites or get a book from Really investigate what it will take. When you go to get a glider, get one that’s young (I would recommend no older than 5 months) and one that has been handled well, not abused, not neglected. Make sure the little tyke is healthy, and see to it that you don’t get suckered into taking a “discount” glider who may have serious health issues or behavioral problems due to maltreatment. Be a very smart buyer. Good luck!

  8. I have 3 sugar gliders, 2 females and 1 male. It seems that there is an odor that they or maybe the male produces. Their cage is clean and their pouches are also clean. I believe I am giving them the proper diet. Is there something I can do to make them not so smelly? Is it the male? Its a musty odor. Thanks for your help.

  9. Hi,
    My fiance and I have recently acquired 2 sugar gliders, one is 10 months and the other is 11 months.. we got them given to us as a bonding pet for our baby that is due in june… Any advice as to get them bonding better with us because weve noticed they tend to bite now and again… It doesnt hurt or break skin but it wouldnt be good for our babies new ‘little friends’ to be biteing him…lol…. thank you for your time… oh and another question about my cage… its about 3 – 3 1/2 feet tall… 2 feet long by 18 inches deep…. is that a good size for them ???

    • See my response here: Are sugar gliders good with kids?

    • Jessica says:

      I would strongly recommend not allowing the baby to hold the glider until later in life because gliders do bite, and while to an adult it’s not bad, to a baby’s little fingers, it can be very painful and scary. The baby may scare the glider in reaction to the bite and then get bitten even harder. It’s not impossible to let the glider bond with the baby to some extent. Place a clean piece of old clothing the baby wore in the cage or in the pouches so the glider picks up the baby’s scent. Let the baby see the glider but supervise the interaction very carefully. Mostly, I would work on bonding with the glider with your fiance so that your family can have the glider out around the baby and everyone can have fun.

  10. Hi. I am getting a Sugar Glider, and need to know where to get a sugar glider cage in southern WV. Mine is way too small. Also, will bird toys, and hamster toys work? Baby toys even? He only has a wheel. Plus a hard-plastic tube for bed-time…

    • Please see my response here: Sugar Glider Cage and Toys

    • Jessica says:

      Try googling sugar glider supplies. There should be a site called “The Sugar Glider Store”. They have a great selection, and they ship. Bird toys work well. You can get snuggle pouches for them to sleep in. Also, I got a very large bird cage for my sugar gliders. It’s worked out really well, and it’s tall so they can climb and glide around. I’ve found bird cages, even big ones, are way less expensive than small animal cages. Just make sure the bars are close enough together so your glider doesn’t escape!

  11. Sugar Gliders are the best pets! I’ve never before had a pet that loved me that much..
    It follows me everywhere I go, and jumps around furniture and walls.. the moment I start going away, there is a fur ball landing on my shoulder right away 🙂
    I just didn’t find the best food combination for Betty yet, any tips?

    • Jessica says:

      I feed my sugar gliders a wide variety of foods: baby food, fruit cups (natural, no sugar added), 100% juice, cooked chicken (they love that), yogurt treats, apples and apple sauce (all natural), yogurt (mine really love peach yogurt) and bugs (they don’t eat much of any bug I’ve tried so far, but baby crickets from the cans are somewhat enjoyable, apparently). Make sure they get mostly their glider chow (pellet food), but in the evenings, let them have some fruit or any kind of good stuff they enjoy. It takes some snooping to find food that really trips your glider’s trigger. Just try all kinds of recommended treats and foods. Mine are not too picky, so it’s been easy for me, but perhaps yours is a little more discerning.

      • There are a few great diets for Sugar gliders you can get the recipes online: BML diet, HPW, Pricilla Price, the blended diet, LGRS suggie soup. Those are the best diets you can feed your gliders. There are many health issuses that start from bad diets and pellets should not be thier main staple of food. I have been rescuing Sugar gliders for a few years and have seen what bad diets can do. Their food has to be in ratios of protien calicum and other things and those diets already have them calcuated for you.

  12. My sugar glider does not seem to want to eat anything but apples. I tried giving chicken but he does not eat it. What should I do?

    • All gliders are unique and have their own tastes in food. Their tastes can also change from day to day, so you may want to try offering foods again to see if it will eat the foods at different times. It is important to just be patient and keep offering new foods to figure out what your glider likes. It is important to maintain a balanced diet though, even if your glider has finicky tastes. It can be a challenge to maintain a healthy diet if your glider is picky, so you may need to add nutritional supplements or use a glider food mix. Good luck.

  13. Alison says:

    We found tiny white worms in our sugar gliders cange ne’er his poop.
    We do not give him worms to eat just fruit because that is what we was told to give him. We got realy scared when we saw the worm and we do not under stand why there was worms I. His cage. Can they get worm??

    • Yes, sugar gliders can get worms. You should take your glider to a vet as soon as possible and take a sample of the feces to be tested for worms. If you do not clean the bottom of the cage often enough, the feces can attract maggots as well, but there is no way to be sure that your glider is not infected until you consult with a vet.

  14. Sabrina says:

    I just got a 1 year old male adult sugar glider from a friend because she didn’t have time for him anymore and she never played with him so hes a little mean and a biter. Also in his cage there is a sleeping pouch but its hard to get him out of it. So how long does it take for me to bond with him and how can he get out of his sleeping pouch into the bonding pouch? please answer me. Thank you

    • You can replace the sleeping pouch with the bonding pouch in the cage, so that way you can just remove the pouch from the cage in the morning while your glider is already sleeping inside. Alternatively, you can put a treat into the bonding pouch and turn the sleeping pouch inside out into the bonding pouch. The glider will be more interested in the treat than getting mad about being pushed out of the pouch.

      Bonding with an adult glider can take time, so you will need to have a lot of patience in the process. All gliders are different, so there is no way to say how long it will take.

  15. Hi. You say you carry your sugar glider with you everywhere you go, but you also said they urinate and defecate whenever and wherever they want. Isnt this a problem? Is there a way to avoid getting urine and feces all over you when your on the go (outside) for longer periods of time(3-4hours or longer)?
    If this is indeed a problem when you carry him around with you, can you maybe give him bathroom brakes, let him go on the grass to do hes business? Will this help to keep your clothes clean?

    • You should not give your glider bathroom brakes on the grass because it will probably get away from you. You probably will not have any problems with getting urine or feces on you when you are on the go, because your glider will be sleeping. My glider prefers not to pee or poop inside her pouch, but gliders will go to the bathroom in their pouch if they really have to. Some will also urinate in the pouch to mark their territory. Gliders usually go to the bathroom when they wake up and come out of the pouch, and you can sometimes stimulate them to go by holding a tissue up to their bottom. However, getting pooped or peed on is something you may have to get used to as a sugar glider owner.

  16. Dominick says:

    Hello, I have a male sugar glider and have had him for about a year and a half. Today i have realized that near his “exiting” hole, were he urinates and deficates, that he has a bump like stucture near the hole. Is this normal or is this a problem?

    • What you are seeing is most likely the male sugar glider’s penis protruding from the cloacal aperture (the exit hole). It can often be mistaken for a large pink worm or hemorrhoids and may be visible when he is cleaning himself. Your glider should be able to retract the penis back into its cloaca so you would not be able to see it all the time.

  17. My friend wants to give me her male sugar glider because she doesn’t have the time for him anymore. I have time in the evenings and a job that I can take him to sometimes, but my question is about other pets in the home. I have two dogs, a cockatiel and fish already. My bird flies around my house in the mornings and evenings at will and my dogs have been trained to leave him alone. Would a sugar glider be happy in this same kind of setting? Do they get along with birds? Thanks. Sherry

    • Sugar gliders generally do not get along with birds. Large birds are the sugar glider’s main predator in the wild, and birds that make a lot of noise can cause stress to your glider. On the other hand, gliders will kill and eat smaller birds, so you would not want to let your cockatiel loose around your gliders. You would also need to be very careful with your dogs. Even though they leave your cockatiel alone, that does not mean they would not harm your glider. I would recommend setting up the cage in a room where you can keep your glider separated from the other animals.

  18. I am getting a sugar glider from a friend today, and I have read alot about these animals; so, is it okay to be around 3 dogs? 1 golden retriever & two chihiuahs?

    • You should separate your dogs from your sugar glider at all times. It would be stressful to your glider to be around 3 dogs, and your dogs could seriously harm or kill your glider, whether it is on purpose or by accident.

  19. Jacquiline Crawford says:

    I’m picking up my sugar glider on the 25th. I have a very old husky, I have read on many sites that sugar gliders don’t instinctively smell like prey so you’re other pets won’t want to eat them and the can actually bond with your sugar glider. I have seen pictures and videos of sugar gliders hanging out with cats and dogs.. So can they actually bond with your other pets? Thank You (:

    • Unfortunately, mill breeders have perpetuated this saying that “sugar gliders do not smell like prey,” and this is completely false. Dogs and cats are attracted to small prey when they move quickly, and gliders will move quickly. As an example, dogs never notice a squirrel if it is frozen in place, but once the squirrel dashes off, the dog’s instincts are triggered and it will run after the moving target.

      I would not recommend letting your dog interact with your sugar glider. Even if your dog means no harm and could care less about your glider, it could accidentally kill your glider just by taking one wrong step. Especially with a big dog like your husky, you should be extra careful to keep them separated.

  20. Hi, I was wondering if a sugar glider is a good pet for kids. I already have owned hedgehogs and watched over guinea pigs. Can you answer this question before the end of the summer?

  21. michelle says:

    my friend needs to get rid of her 3 year old male glider, im worried if I take him he wont bond with me because of his age and might end up bitting me whenever I try to play with him. I also have 2 small dogs and a cat do you think getting him is a good idea?

    • It is still possible to bond with an older glider, but it may take more time and patience. Maybe you could visit him a few times at your friend’s place while he is still in a familiar environment to see how he interacts with you. If you decide to bring him home, he will need a few days to adjust because it is stressful for a glider to move to a new environment.

      As long as you can keep the sugar glider separated from your dogs and cat, it will be fine. If you think it would be too difficult to keep them apart, then it is not a good idea for you to take on a glider. Animals are very unpredictable so there is no telling how they will react to your glider. Even if they do not harm him, they could hurt him accidentally.

  22. Michelle says:

    I’m deciding if I should get a sugar glider or not. I’m going into high school in the fall and my brother is going into 6th grade. I’m worried about not having a lot of time to play with it. If decide to get one we are getting two so they won’t be lonely. About how long do you have to play with them daily so they won’t get depressed? Is it alright if I only spend 30 minutes to an hour every other day?

    • The more time you can spend interacting with your gliders, the better. They really should get time to play outside of their cage every night. There is no set amount of time that they need, but ideally it would be at least an hour or two every night. 30 minutes every other day may not be enough for a glider to really thrive.

      I would also encourage you to really think about whether or not you can commit to having sugar gliders as pets. They can live up to 15 years, and a lot can change in those years when you are in high school. If you plan to go away to college, would your parents or brother be able to take care of them?

  23. My sugar glider is about 3 months old, but she always sleeps even at nite. She wont be active except when I take her out. If i didnt do that, she will sleep all the time in cage, and when I take her out, after 10 minutes she will sleep anywhere. She loves to especially around my neck. How can I get my sugar glider to be more active?

    • It is normal for very young gliders to sleep a lot. There are other factors that can affect a gliders sleep patterns. For example, in colder temperatures, they are known to go into a sort of hibernation where they sleep more than average. A poor diet and depression are other things that could lead a glider to sleep more. If a glider goes from being active to all of a sudden sleeping all the time, that is cause for concern and a visit to the vet is recommended to rule out illness.

      I don’t think you have anything to worry about because your glider is very young and it her behavior is completely normal for her age. Just make sure you feed her a good diet of 50% protein, 25% fruits, and 25% vegetables. Also, if she is a lone glider, you should seriously consider getting her a companion because sugar gliders do not do very well on their own.

  24. I have been thinking of getting a sugar glider for a awhile but the problem is that my job keeps me from home a month at a time then i home off work for a month so I don’t know if it is a good idea or not to get one could you help with this question? I have a family member that would take care of it but I not sure if it would be to stressful on it

    • If you get a single glider, it would be very stressful on the glider for you to be away for a month at a time. It would be much better to get a pair of gliders because they will not get as lonely when you have to leave. As long as your family member is committed to taking care of them properly, it should be fine, but I would definitely recommend getting at least 2 gliders.

  25. Insyirah says:

    Is it okay if in the morning, I took my sugar glider and put him in the bonding pouch to go outside or somewhere? But yesterday, I took him to go breakfast with me, and he was always crabbing, until I stayed still. And if I moved a little bit, he would crab again, and I guess that he doesnt get enough sleep yesterday. Would he get depressed if I do that?

    • It is perfectly normal to take your glider out with you in the bonding pouch. Your glider is probably not used to you yet and is crabbing because he is scared. If he crabs, you can pet him through the pouch to calm him down and talk to him in a soothing voice. He should get used to you more and more if you continue to bond with him and wear him during the day. It will become easier over time, and eventually he should just sleep comfortably in his pouch while you wear him and go about your day as usual.

  26. I bought a female glider about 3 months ago and Im having trouble handling her. I have done everything I can to make it easy on her but she just doesnt seem to want to come around. I have got bouding pouches (which she doesnt care for) left clothes on her cage with my scent, sit with my hands in the cage and talk to her. Ive tried bribing her with treats and so on, I just dont know what else to do.

    I also have a male glider and she was very mean to him at first, I had to keep my male away from her for awhile. Now they are in the same cage and she will allow me to touch her as long as Mason (my male) is near her. I can only move her if she is sleeping but as soon as she knows hes not next to her she crabs and will bite me.

    She also smells bad and is making my male smell the same way, shes also bigger then my male and hes older. They also sleep a lot since they’ve been in the same cage. Mason barely wants to come out and play anymore either. Im doing everything I can to change all of that but nothing seems to be working.

    • It sounds like you are doing everything you can to bond with your gliders. You may just need to give it a little more time. All gliders have unique personalities, and it sounds like your female is just a tough nut to crack. You may need to experiment with different treats to see if there is one that can entice her. My advice would be to keep doing what you are doing and just be persistent. Make sure to spend time with both gliders and try to give each one special attention.

      The problem with your female smelling bad may be due to her diet. What kind of diet are you feeding her? Can you tell if it is her urine that smells? The male could also be marking more due to the presence of a female, so that could be adding to the smell.

      It is also a good idea to take both gliders to get a vet checkup. Changes in sleeping patterns such as oversleeping can be indicative of health problems. If the smell is coming from the urine, that could also be a sign that something is wrong with your glider’s health.

      • Thank you for the advice… I have been able to get my female out of the cage now and hold her without her biting me to much. She will only let me do that if no one else is around though. I dont mind as long as I can hold her and bond with her.

        As far as their diet they eat fresh fruits and veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese, certain baby foods, meal worms and butter worms, Sunseed Vita Sugar Glider Formula Pellets as well as peanuts (once a week if that) and other treats. My male is pretty picky but my female will eat anything.

        I have also got them back to their regular sleeping patterns. I had them in my living room with a air conditioner on all the time. I moved them into my dining room and they started to wake up like they used to. I researched it online and Im thinking from what I read when its to cold they tend to sleep more kind of like hibernating. They are both very active now : )

        I have looked for a vet near me and none of them know to much about Sugar Gliders and say they dont think they would be much help. They are doing well now for the most part. My male is the one with penis problems now but researching it I think its cause he is maturing. If the problem persists Im going to have to find a vet to take a look at him to see what can be done. Thank you again for the advice : )

  27. Hi, I’m from Iran . In Iran sugar glider are a little expensive ( around $300). I can buy 2 sugar gliders but I’m afraid that they will not bond to me and they will bond to each other? I want a pet that bonds with me. Will they also bond with me if there are 2?

    • Yes, they will also bond with you even though there are 2. Sugar gliders live in colonies of up to 7 or more in the wild, so they are used to bonding in groups. You can wear them in separate pouches and make sure to spend some individual time with them during play time. You should always get at least 2 anyway because they really need the companionship of their own kind, and they can keep each other company if you ever can’t spend time with them. Single gliders can get lonely and depressed and are at risk of over grooming and self-mutilation.

  28. What are the maximum number of hours you can carry a sugar glider in the pouch during the day? Sometimes we’ll be out all day on the road or I’ll be at work (which most of the time it won’t be a problem to take a glider with me).

    • There is no maximum time limit on how many hours you can carry a sugar glider in the pouch during the day. The more time you carry your glider, the better. With a single glider, it is especially important to spend as much time carrying it as you can. The only thing you want to avoid is being out when it is time for your glider to wake up. You will want to be back at home where you can let your sugar glider out of the pouch when it is time to wake up, so it can go the bathroom, eat, and play.

  29. How do i glider proof a room? I’m getting 3 from a friend that wants to find a home and since i decided i wanted them I’ve been reading as much as i can about them because i know nothing. I also have a pet rat. He’s the most spoiled rodent ever and I want to make sure that he is safe around the sugar gliders or if I should have them out of their cages at separate times.

    • Please read my blog post about Glider Proofing.

      You should never allow your sugar gliders and rat out of the cages at the same time. Always keep them separate! I have heard of sugar gliders being killed by rats and also of sugar gliders killing rats. Gliders are territorial and may go after the rat because it does not smell like them. In the wild, gliders eat small birds, lizards, and mice, so they definitely have the potential to kill and eat a rat.

  30. I’ve been thinking to get a sugar glider my dad said I can have 1 as long as I’m responsible, but I was just wondering if it’s a good pet for a kid like me (I’m in 5th grade now) and where can i get all the supplies? can I just get them from a local pet shop? plz reply me ASAP

    • I would not recommend sugar gliders as pets for a kid your age. Please read my blog post Are Sugar Gliders Good Pets For Kids for more information.

      You can get some supplies at local pet shops, but they may not have everything you need. Anything you can’t get at a local pet shop can be found online.

    • Hi! Im in 5th grade too and i want a sugar glider so bad! Unfortunatly my parents wont give in.. So do you all think if i save up a lot of money and pay for the glider myself they might give in? I will also try to take better care of the dogs.

      Thank U!


      • Sound like you have smart parents! Sugar gliders are a LOT of work and really aren’t suitable pets for young kids, especially if your parents are not willing to help out.

  31. Sugar gliders are soo cute! My mom and I have been thinking of getting one but we seriously need to know if they bite? My moms scared of getting bitten and so am I.

    • Yes, some sugar gliders will bite. You may get one that never bites, but some are just biters. Sugar gliders may bite out of fear, but there are also other reasons they may bite. It is best to take the bite rather than pulling away because you will reinforce the behavior. You want to show them you are not intimidated so they will be less likely to do it again. Once you build up trust and have bonded with your glider, they will be less likely to bite.

    • if you are thinking about buying one you need to research them. most people who buy them just because they are cute end up giving them away because they didnt know how much work they are

  32. My dad and I are planning to get a sugar glider but the problem is we practicaly don’t know a single thing about it… anything specific like:

    1. What should I give them for breakfast? Meat or fruit…
    2. What do I need to buy them as in toys, and what type? Bird or hamster? Or maybe anything specific you recommend I should buy?
    3. What age should I buy the sugar glider…baby or adult?
    4. Do they bite? Does it hurt?
    5. How many times should I feed them in a day?
    6. How do I handle their poo and urine?
    7. Can they actually fly?
    8. Do sugar gliders get along with cats?

    Thxs can anybody plz answer my questions asap? plz? thx!

  33. I’ve got a 2 month old glider and I am stressed out at what to feed him. There’s just too much calculation going on. Do i need to feed hard boiled egg or chicken everyday together with fruits? And is it safe to give glider-booster + glider-cal together with his fruits everyday? I’m also confused on the timing he eats as he seems to be eating all the time..

    Please help, I’m afraid of giving him too much fruits coz he’ll be lacking in calcium, and I dont want him to paralysed. His diet now consists of chicken, pears, apples, papaya’s, and mangos in a rotation basis.

    • The proper diet should be 50% protein, 25% fresh or frozen fruits, and 25% fresh or frozen vegetables. It sounds like you are not including any veggies in his diet, so make sure to add those in if you are not already. As far as the chicken and hard boiled eggs, those are fine to use as proteins, but there are also other proteins you can use. Gliders love live insects, so you can experiment with adding some of those if you want.

      If you provide enough calcium naturally through the diet, you do not need to use the supplements. It is better to get the nutrients in his diet naturally if you can. Just make sure the calcium to phosphorous ratio is kept at 2:1, because too much phosphorous will inhibit the absorption of calcium. I know it can be confusing to figure all of this out, so if it is easier for you, you can follow one of the established diets that is out there.


    Probally buying 2 sugar gliders tonight actually. They’re about 2 to21/2 yrs. old. A young couple has only had them about 2-3 weeks and decided they didn’t think it through. My concern is we temporarly have our daughter and 2 young grand kids living with us, needless to say our home is “busy” with noise and action most the time. Is this going to make it harder on the little guys to adjust? I’m worried about their best interest. The kids won’t be handling them so that’s not a concern. Just want them to be able to adjust, bond, and be happy.

    • It should be fine. There may be an adjustment period, but once your gliders get used to the new environment, they will be fine. Just make sure you have enough time to spend with them to properly bond with them.

  35. Do sugar gliders need to take a bath, or do they clean up themselves? And he is picky on food, he doesn’t want to eat protein except apples, what should I do?

    • Sugar gliders do not need baths because they groom themselves and do a good job at keeping themselves clean.

      Apples are not a good source of protein, so you will need to encourage your glider to eat more proteins. You can try rotating different sources of protein and see what appeals to your glider. Lean meats such as chicken or lean beef, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, and live insects are all good sources of protein to try. The best thing to do with picky eaters is to keep trying, because glider’s tastes can change from day to day.

  36. I’m a teenager and I have divorced parents and I live with them every other week. Should I leave my glider at one home or bring it with me?

    • If you are the main person who takes care of your glider and your glider is bonded to only you, you are better off taking the glider with you. As long as you set up cages at both houses and your glider is used to each environment, the transition should be smooth from week to week. It is more important to keep your glider with you if you are the only person your glider has bonded to.

  37. I have 2 sugar gliders… her name is Kiara and Cherry. Now I’m in China for college… and it feels so lonely without my best friend (Kiara). My mom will be coming soon with her, I just wonder will there be any problems with permission from the airport? My mom and I have decided to put her in pocket and let her sleep during flight which is 5 hours. It must be cold and the air pressure is also different in the airplane. Will it affect her, because the air pressure affects us creating buzzing sound. Will there be a safer way to transport her to China?

    • Only certain airlines allow sugar gliders to ride with you in the cabin. There are strict rules about how you can transport animals, and it is best to follow the rules. The airlines that allow sugar gliders in the cabin require you to keep them in a carrier and do not allow you to put the glider in your pocket. Unfortunately, that’s just the way the rules are. If you get caught with a sugar glider that you did not get permission to bring, you could get in a lot of trouble and could even lose your glider, so it is not worth the risk.

      I have traveled with a sugar glider on a plane, and she did fine in her carrier. The air pressure and temperature did not bother her at all. All gliders are different, so there is no way to know for sure.

      • Kay Rachelle says:

        I am going to be doing an extended internship across the country and will have to bring my gliders on a plane. I have called united and delta about bringing them in-cabin but have received very stern no’s. What airline did you use that let you have a glider in-cabin? I am very concerned about the long flight with multiple layovers and the stress it could cause them. I would feel less worrisome if they were with me. Thanks!
        P.S. Your website is a GREAT source of valid information. I learned a lot from it.

  38. I may be getting a couple this weekend from a previous owner as they don’t have the space for them. Will they still bond with me if they have bonded with the other owner? Also, when you wear your glider, does it ever come out? Because i am thinking of taking mine to college with me to help the bonding process but I dont want to lose them!

    • They will still bond with you even though they bonded with the previous owners. As long as you put in the time and effort, they will bond to a new owner. If you wear your gliders during the day while they are sleeping, they should stay in the pouch. Mine never come out of the pouch when I wear them during the day. If you are worried, get a zippered pouch and wear them a few times to test it out.

  39. My fiancé and I just adopted a sugar glider, we were told we should give her a day or two to herself in order to adjust to the new environment.. is this true? or should we go ahead and begin the bonding process?

    • Yes, this is true. You should give her a few days to get used to her new home. Changes are stressful for gliders, so you have to keep that in mind in the first few days. That doesn’t mean you cannot start the bonding process.

      In the first few days, you should be helping her get used to your scent (gliders bond by scent). You can wear a small piece of fleece under your clothes to rub your scent on it, and tuck it into her sleeping pouch. You can also drape a worn t-shirt over her cage. In your case, you will want to do this for both you and your fiancé.

      You can also spend time near her cage and speak to her so she gets used to the sound of your voice. Try giving her treats through the cage bars so she starts associating you with good things. Once she becomes comfortable with your presence, you can try to approaching her and see if she will let you handle her.

  40. One of my sugar gliders has always been aggressive towards humans (he was a rescue case), but over the last 2 days, he has had a sudden change of heart. Now he constantly licks and “grooms” me, never offers to nip, and generally seems like somebody gave him an attitude transplant. This occurred after I spent 2 days nursing his sick cage mate (another little boy who became very dehydrated and lethargic). The sick boy recovered, and my mean glider is suddenly my best buddy. Has anybody ever seen this happen? It’s the exact opposite of a normal stress response. I’m VERY confused….

  41. If i am sitting with my sugar glider in its pouch can i take it out and just hold it? Even when sleeping?

    • You can take your glider and hold it as long as your glider is bonded to you and is comfortable with you handling it. I would not disturb a glider when they are sleeping, but you can do it if you need to transfer them out of the pouch. If you wake them up you might just mess up their natural sleeping patterns.

  42. I got my sugar glider for christmas, so i’ve had her for almost a month. She’s been acting pretty strange all day. and now it’s 4:15 in the morning, and she’s sleeping.. and has been all day. should i be concerned? She’s about a year old.

    • A change in sleeping patterns can be a sign of illness. My advice is to take her to the vet for a wellness check. Any slight change in a sugar glider’s behavior can be a warning that something is wrong, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

  43. Rhonda Holt says:

    Hi we just adopted a sweet 4yr old boy, and he has been neutered and when we got him the lady said that he was with another gal from a baby, she had to give him up and go away to college so i felt it best to take him instead of the baby…The lady we adopted him from said she tried many gliders in his cage and he does not like another in his cage and so we do not force that as he seems to want to be with people.. He did crab the first few days and we have had him since Christmas… He is now doing well and I wanted to know if I am doing things right.. I call for him when he is in his play cage..We have 2 cages for him..When I call him he is now coming to the door and wanting to come out.. He likes to climb on our hand with those square cloth fleece pads we have for him..Once he is one our hand I put another square fleece cloth over him for comfort..He used to not let us hold him unless he was in a pouch, now he is doing this..Once he is on me he goes into this really affectionate state where he wants to be petted and loved all over and will make click sounds or little whimpers..His body even shakes on occasion when he is being loved on and i hope this is ok and there is nothing wrong with him..He eventually flips on his back or rolls to his side and loves to be stroked and talked to and if we stop he looks up at me..I speak to him and he whimpers and pulls a bashful head bury then he rolls his head back so I can scratch his chin.. Now is this a sign of bonding with me? And will he eventually hang out on us with out jumping off as he does since we got him.. I have 2 cats so i lock them away when he is out and really watch him so he does not get lost.. I want him to beable to play on us and hang out on my shoulder and wanted to know how to do this and wanted your opinion if I am doing everything right..He is such a loving little glider and he is coming around with trust so fast I wanted to know when i could start trying other things with him or do i let him come around on his own time…Thank you very much and i do hope to hear back from you…;)


  44. I got a sugar glider from a friends co-worker. she didnt have time for him anymore. He is 5 months old. Ive had him 2 weeks now, 3 weeks on monday.
    My question is about feeding. She fed him only baby food, mostly chicken! I spoke with someone very knowledgeable about gliders. He said baby food should not be the main or only food. I let him have acess to glider pellets all the time and feed him at vegies, meat and fruit at night. I am trying to get him to eat more fresh fruits and vegies. I cook vegies and put them in a blender to the consistency of baby food along with alittle of the baby food he is used to, but he realy only eats the bought baby food. What can i do to get him to eat food other than chicken baby food? should I not offer chicken baby food at all? I dont want him to starve himself. Thanks for any advise. 🙂

  45. Hi my husband and I just bought 2 female sugar gliders. I have been reading a ton because I want to do the right things for them. we have given them a pellet with baby food turkey and turkey gravy flavored. They ate that pretty well. They found their water which made me happy. They won’t eat yogurt drops at all. We offered them fruits such as strawberries, canalope and carrots crushed up with sprinkled calcium and the one is munching some. The other is in its pouch. They are very crabby meaning loud 🙂 the temp in the cage without the heat lamp is only in the 70’s we have the heat lamp hanging above the cage. Is that safe or will it get too hot? Also can you break down a good diet for me. I keep reading tons of different ideas and I want to see if I’m on the right track. I want to feed them correctly. Thanks for any advice.

  46. I also just tried to Bond with one by putting it in my bathroom and letting it roam. It deff went all the way up the shower curtain and almost fell I grabbed it with a towel and it crabbed loudly and tried biting me hard. I am not trying that experience ever it almost really hurt itself. I don’t think I’ll ever get this bonding thing down 🙁

  47. Hi! I just bought a suggie about one month old.. Named Zai Zai.. =] Can I bring him out with a bonding pouch? Or should i wait for a couple more weeks for him to grow first?

  48. I have a 7 week old sugar glider. I have only had for her for a week. Is it normal for her to sleep in her wheel, on the floor of the cage, or hanging onto the side of her bag, instead of sleeping her bonding pouch? And she won’t eat her food pellets I got her. What can I give her instead?

  49. hi i jst got a baby sugar glider i know abot exotics like ferrets n that but never had a chance to have a sugar befor i know a lil most on feeding and housing can anyone give me some info on the bonding and toys that type of stuff

  50. Ok.. So I’m thinking about getting one but I need to know how much 1 costs. And I need to know if I could sell the babies after 2-3 weeks. And when I get 1 should I take it to the vet right away? And is Petco a vet? And am I allowed to wake it up when I come home? And does the bite feel like a tiny pinch? Will it make noises during night? If I’m allowed to wake it up, will it mess the sleeping pattren? And should owners be their to support the gliders when their having the baby and where should you put it when it’s dead? How do you bond with it??????????? <— (that wad biggest question of all) and if you bond with it, will it still try and escape? And how do you train it? And are you allowed to yell when your near them? And is the white one good???

  51. Is it ok to leave your sugar glider in the cage for the weekend if we have to go out of town?

    • You should never leave your sugar gliders for more than 24 hours. You would need to find somebody who could take care of them while you are gone, or you could also take them with you if they are used to traveling with you outside the home.

  52. What room is the best to glider proof? And how do you glider proof a room?

    • It really depends on your house, but a lot of people glider proof the bathroom. Toilets are the biggest hazard in a bathroom so make sure the lid is shut and there is no space between the lid and seat that your glider could fit into. You want to cover up any holes a glider could get into, such as drains or holes in the wall near plumbing or holes in cabinets. It’s a lot like toddler proofing… just go around the room and look for any trouble your glider could get into. Remember they can fit into really small holes, anything over a couple inches, so you might have to put towels against the doors if there is too much space.

  53. Coco Chew says:

    I have a one year old sugar glider and i will be busy recently because of my job. Can I buy another sugar glider that is 2 to three months old to accompany him?
    Or should I buy another one which is same age with my old one?
    Will them fight if they are not growing together due to the strangeness?

  54. We have a glider thats about 6 months old and she didn’t bite much after she got use to us, but now recently she seems to nip at us quite often. She doesn’t crab before she does it so i don’t think she does it out of fear or anger, just a casual nip. Is there something we can do to deter her from the biting?

  55. Monica Reis says:

    I have been wanting to get a sugar glider for years now and I have finally moved into a house where I can have one. I am weary about buying one online, but I don’t know of any pet stores in my area that sell them. What is the best way to go about buying a baby sugar glider, and what signs should I look out for to be able to tell whether or not he/she is healthy?


  56. Hi I just got a sugar glider and even if we get close to the cage and offer her a treat she will hurry up and go to the cage really fast then start making that crabbing noise take the treat and hide in her sock ( that we use as a bonding pouch as of right now ). Then also we can’t really pick up the sock in which she is always in and even if we do she just ends up making the crabbing noise again and I am just worried will she ever bond with us? I am also wondering I know all the books say try to find as similar of a match as you can to the age of your current sugar glider but she is two years old and I am just afraid that if we get another one around her age that it might not bond well with us either. If it is possible could you get a baby and put them in the same cage together after a while ( of course after we put them in seperate cages and let them get to know each others scents ) and if we did would she exept it? Well I really hope you can help us with our problem!

  57. can a sugar glider bond with a cat? i have a 2 year old cat and am looking into getting a sugar glider but was not sure how the 2 of them would mix together…it would be a great thing if they liked each other so they could keep each other company while i was at work but is this just wishful thinking?

  58. i am thinking of getting two sugar glider. would it be better to get 2 male, 2 female, or 1 male 1 female. please reply

  59. WalkerS says:

    Hello I am thinking about getting 2 sugar gliders. I take trips throughout the summer for a week at a time. How can I keep my sugar glider healthy and well fed even when im out of town. I go out of town with my family so there is nobody that could feed him at the house when im gone. What should I do because I really want one and I know I can give him enough attention. its just the out of town thats the problem. Please reply soon!

    • You cannot leave your sugar gliders unattended for that long, so you would have to find somebody to take care of them.

  60. Hi, I’ve been wanting a sugar glider for a long time and have done a lot of research. I’m not able to get one anytime soon, but I was curious about what you do during playtime and what you do during bonding time. Are you able to do office work and have them in the pouch or climbing on you? Can part of playtime be exploring in a hamster-style ball or does it have to be constant interaction for two hours. Right now I have a dog and when I play with him for 20 minutes, he gets bored and snuggles. Is that like sugar glider playtime?
    Also, I’m a little squeamish about bugs, but I want the best for my future sugar glider. Do you have any suggestions on making sure they don’t get loose (some sort of bowl?) or can I just give my future baby eggs and beans. I also really don’t want to have meat (like chicken) in the house. Are there any sort of kibbles i could use for protein. Thank you in advance, I just want to be the best parent I can be.

  61. I have been thinking about getting 2 gliders and have read quite a bit about them but I still have a few questions….
    1)what are good fruits and vegetables to give them?
    2)what brands of a pellet food should be given to them or should they be feed strictly fruits vegetables and a protein source?
    3)is any calcium supplement acceptable and if so how much should be given? Or what are foods high in calcium that would meet their requirements?
    4)I have heard that they can fracture bones quite easily on hard surfaces, would it be better to avoid tiled rooms for them to play in?

  62. me and my father are ready to have two sugar bears, but my mom is having doubts, she does not like the thought that they have a odor, and is not willing to feed and take care of the sugar bear, but I am, should we get one?

  63. Is it possible to bond with a glider that has already bonded to somebody else

  64. i have two sugar gliders that are (female two years old) and a male that is one year old they are a pair and bonded with each other. i now have a 8 week old female. is it safe to put the baby in with the two older ones?at this time i have them in different cages.

  65. Babycyn says:

    I have a female sugar glider. Just started to bond with her. I used to carry the cage up to my bedroom upstairs at night and bring her down to living room when I’m awake. Recently I got a bigger cage set up in the living room, in preparation of another glider arriving in a month’s time. Should I continue to carry the small cage with her to my bedroom or should I leave her in the living room while I sleep? The other glider will only arrive after a month. Hope to hear from you soon.

  66. I just got 2 female middle aged sugar gliders. I have been trying to bond with them everything has been getting better. And I feed them little treats once a day. So every time they see me they think I have food and come to me. But I don’t have food a majority of them time and they get mad, and once but me (not hard, kinda a nibble) what should I do

  67. Hellhound54 says:

    Hi, I have a few questions about my male sugar glider. He’s been behaving strange lately, his thing has been out and I think it’s because my female is in heat. I read somewhere that you have to keep it hydrated but I failed to do that because I have had them for less than a month. He will hiss while he is pooping and when I first got them I was told to put something with my smell on it in their cage, so I put one of my shirts in the cage. Well today I walked into my room where their cage is to feed them and he was hiding in my shirt instead of the pouch that was in there. I’ve tried to hold him but he will bark at me and run away from my hand when I reach for him. I haven’t bonded with him much since I’ve owned them for such a short time, but I can hold the mom and 6 month old baby sugar glider without them biting me (for the most part). I forced him out today and he sat on my leg as I pet him but when I went to pick him up he ran off my leg. It has been days that he is acting like this and I have yet to find a decent answer to why. Please help me out.

  68. I have a male sugar glider named Grover.I take him with me every where i go except work and I want to know if his okay not having another sugar glider around since i spend some much time with him

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